• Opening Time 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Visit Visa Canada

Canada is perhaps the most welcoming country for immigrants and tourists. People visit Canada to explore culture, study or simply attend to their business needs. Those who want to explore the dynamic yet homely atmosphere of this massive country can apply for a visit visa and for that if you are searching for a landmark consultants or visit visa consultants in Hyderabad, then you can bank on Falcon Company.

Why do you need a visit visa to go to Canada?

A visit visa for Canada is an essential document that one needs to obtain to pass the airport’s immigration office before you can board your plane and after landing. This document basically says that you meet all the essential requirements required to enter Canada from another country.

Checklist of Documents for Visit Visa Canada 2021

  • A valid passport which is yet to expire by a minimum of 6 months
  • Financial documents and bank statements that prove that you can support yourself in Canada
  • Medical clearance certificate
  • A document that states clearly your purpose of visiting Canada
  • A document that states your family ties in your home country

Eligibility Criteria for Obtaining a Visit Visa for Canada

  • The applicants should not hold any criminal records
  • They should have proof of employment in the country
  • They must affirm that they do not intend to seek jobs on landing in Canada.
  • The concerned person should have enough bank balance to support their stay in Canada.

Cost of Visit Visa Canada

  • The cost you have to incur in order to obtain this type of visa is:
  • Visit Visa fee per person 100 CAD
  • Visit visa fee per family (5 or more persons) 500 CAD.
  • Visa extension fee 100 CAD

Duration of Visit Visa

Most people can stay up to 6 months after obtaining a visit visa for Canada. However, sometimes the border services officer’s discretion works, who might allow you a stay for less than six months in the country. In such cases, the officer will stamp a date on your passport. You will have to either leave Canada before that date or apply for an extension by paying a fee for an extended duration of stay.

Types of Visit Visa for Canada

There are basically two types of visit visas for Canada. The first type is a single-entry visit visa, which will allow you to enter the premises of the country once and stay up to six months. Once you leave the country, you will have to re-apply for a visa. The second type is a multiple entry visa. With this type of visa, you can enter and leave the country any number of times within six months.

Visit Visa Canada Details

  • You can obtain this type of visa if you want to visit Canada for tourism purpose
  • A Canadian Visit Visa cannot be used for doing any paid work in the country
  •  You can apply for a single or family tourist visa
  • The issuance of a visit visa takes 27 days after completing the application process.

Contact Us

If you wish to visit Canada, you can contact us. At Falcon Overseas, we take care of all your visa needs. We shall assist you throughout the process of applying and obtaining your visit visa for Canada. You can expect 100% dedication from our team, which shall render the process hassle-free.

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